Orthodontic FAQ

1.    What is Orthodontics and What do Orthodontists do?
Orthodontics is a specific field of dentistry which helps to prevent and treat dental and facial abnormalities such as crooked teeth and bad bites.  An orthodontist is a specialized dentist who is equipped with the skills necessary to move teeth into the correct positions and to enhance dental facial growth and development.

2.    What are the Benefits of Orthodontics?

Some of the possible benefits of orthodontic care include:

  • A beautiful, straighter smile.
  • More confidence in your appearance
  • Improved function of the teeth and bite
  • Better dental hygiene and dental health of the gums and teeth
  • Less wearing of the teeth
  • Decreasing the chance of injury to front teeth that protrude from the mouth.

3.    Do You Need Braces?
Some key signs that you may need braces include:

  • You have protruding front teeth
  • Your upper teeth are either covering or behind your lower teeth when you bite down.
  • Your teeth do not meet when you close your mouth
  • The center teeth are not aligned
  • You have spaces between your teeth

The list continues so if have any problems, see your dentist and ask if you should see an orthodontist.

4.    Is there an Age Limit to Visit an Orthodontist?
You can begin receiving orthodontic are at any age.  The early that problems are detected the better chance you have at correcting them before they create major problems.  Children are recommended to see an orthodontist around the age of 7 and most orthodontic care is performed between the ages of 9 and 14.  As long as your gums and teeth are in good condition, then you can receive orthodontic treatment while in adulthood without any problems.

5.    How Does Orthodontic Treatment Work?
There are many different types of orthodontic treatments that can be used.  The most common is braces.  Braces place gentle pressure on your teeth in order to shift them into the right position and create a perfectly straight smile.

6.    How Long Do I Have to Wear Braces For?
The duration of the treatment varies from case to case.  The average time is from one to three years.  Variables include your visits to the orthodontist, whether you are taking care of your teeth, how your treatment is progressing, how your teeth respond to the treatment and so on.

7.    Do Braces Hurt My Teeth?
No, they only help.  The first time you have your braces put on you may feel some sensitivity and soreness around your teeth and gums which is normal.  Afterwards, your mouth will become accustom to having the braces and you will no longer feel any sensitivity or irritation.  

8.    Will Braces Interfere with my Life?
No.  You may have to adjust to having braces but they will not interfere with your life.  If you play sports it is recommended that you wear a mouth guard to prevent injury to your mouth, teeth and braces in case you are hit in the face.  In terms of playing wind instruments, you will be able to play with some minor adjustments.  You can even purchase brace covers to help you with the transition and prevent any discomfort that you may feel.

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Cable Orthodontic


10:00 am-6:00 pm


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9:00 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-3:00 pm





